Our ABC of Cyber Security

Cyber Security ABC

Could you be a target for a cyber criminal?

YES! Everyone’s a target!

With hybrid working becoming the norm, many of us are accessing our company IT systems and data from numerous locations and devices; maybe even using our own personal equipment. This, of course, increases the risk of cyber threats, especially if you or your colleagues are unaware of, or simply ignoring, the risks.

What’s the worst that can happen if company data is stolen?

So, if you’re not already doing so, it’s time to start taking Cyber Security seriously.

Here are 3 easy steps to securing your data:

Antivirus, Backup and Cyber Essentials Certification

Padlock icon

A = Antivirus and encryption solutions

An essential component of any robust suite of data security solutions, antivirus with encryption provides comprehensive, versatile, mobile, and around the clock security, keeping you safe against the latest trojans and ransomware bugs. More info

Backup folder icon

B = Backup and recovery solutions

Safeguard your business data and adhere to compliance regulations. For less than a cup of coffee per user per month, you can effortlessly backup Office 365, G-Suite Gmail, Hosted Exchange, Open-Xchange, IMAP/POP, and websites. More info

Cyber Essentials logo

C = Cyber Essentials Certification

Demonstrate your commitment to cyber security and win business with this government-backed scheme. Our Cyber bundle includes Certification and Active Protect, which continually monitors your devices 24/7 and alerts us if there is a security concern. You will also have access to interactive, easy-to-follow training for your staff. More info

We’re here to help…

If you’re concerned about any of the above points, we’re here to help. We can carry out a cyber audit for you, assess your current IT systems, help with staff awareness campaigns, create a disaster recover plan for you, and guide you through Cyber Essentials Certification.

You can find out more about our Cyber Security solutions on our website, or get in touch by phone or email – click the “Contact Us” button below for details.